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Business Consulting and Litigation

Navigating today’s court system can be a daunting, emotional, and financially draining task. Whether you have been sued or are considering bringing a lawsuit, Kimble Legal Consulting prides itself on its ability to give clients a realistic understanding of their legal rights and the opportunity to make informed decisions throughout each stage of the litigation process.  

asian man and young hispanic woman discuss a business transaction at their new start-up business
creative woman emails questions about a copyright, trademark, and intellectual property dispute

With experience in all aspects of state and federal litigation, in addition to experience in mediation and arbitration, Kimble Legal Consulting represents both individuals and businesses in the following areas:

  • Contract Disputes

  • Copyright

  • Defamation

  • False Advertising

  • Fraud

  • Intellectual Property

  • Restraining Orders

  • Trademarks

  • Trade Secrets

  • Unfair Competition


In the age of self-service websites like LegalZoom and RocketLawyer, many new businesses are making the mistake of waiting until a dispute arises before forming a relationship with an attorney. Engaging in-house counsel early on, even if just on an as-needed basis, is one of the best tools a business can use to mitigate risk and protect corporate profits.  With reasonable retainers and alternative payment options, Kimble Legal Consulting is able to offer small businesses the strategic litigation and corporate counseling they need as they continue to build and grow.


  • Articles of Incorporation

  • Operating Agreements

  • By-laws

  • Contract Drafting and Negotiation

  • Copyright Registration, Enforcement, and Infringement

  • Corporate Governance

  • Corporate Minutes

  • Distribution Agreements

  • Partnership Agreements

  • Production Agreements

  • Independent Contractors/Work-for-Hire Agreements

  • Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Agreements

  • Nondisclosure Agreements

  • Mechanical Licenses

  • Sync Licenses (Music Synchronization Licenses)

  • Trademark Registration, Enforcement, and Infringement

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